A NEW JUICE to stay healthy before competition.
In the weeks leading up to the major championships, as nerves start to build and the intensity of dance classes are often increased, it is important to keep the immune system robust in order to prevent getting colds and feeling rundown.
What you need is the ultimate FEIS FLU FIGHTER!
Remove the skin and cut the juicy flesh off the mango.
Juice the 3 oranges
Add the mango and the juice of the 3 oranges to the blender, along with the other ingredients, and blitz until smooth.
For an extra cold juice toss a few ice cubes into a glass.
Drink immediately.
Remove the skin and cut the juicy flesh off the mango.
Juice the 3 oranges
Add the mango and the juice of the 3 oranges to the blender, along with the other ingredients, and blitz until smooth.
For an extra cold juice toss a few ice cubes into a glass.
Drink immediately.